

Learning Objectives

  • Understand how test fixtures can help write tests.

The above example didn’t require much setup or teardown. Consider, however, the following example that could arise when comunicating with third-party programs. You have a function f() which will write a file named yes.txt to disk with the value 42 but only if a file no.txt does not exist. To truly test the function works, you would want to ensure that neither yes.txt nor no.txt existed before you ran your test. After the test, you want to clean up after yourself before the next test comes along. You could write the test, setup, and teardown functions as follows:

import os

from nose.tools import assert_equal, with_setup

from mod import f

def f_setup():
    # The f_setup() function tests ensure that neither the yes.txt nor the
    # no.txt files exist.
    files = os.listdir('.')
    if 'no.txt' in files:
    if 'yes.txt' in files:

def f_teardown():
    # The f_teardown() function removes the yes.txt file, if it was created.
    files = os.listdir('.')
    if 'yes.txt' in files:

def test_f():
    # The first action of test_f() is to make sure the file system is clean.
    exp = 42
    with open('yes.txt', 'r') as fhandle:
        obs = int(fhandle.read())
    assert_equal(exp, obd)
    # The last action of test_f() is to clean up after itself.

The above implementation of setup and teardown is usually fine. However, it does not guarantee that the f_setup() and the f_teardown() functions will be called. This is becaue an unexpected error anywhere in the body of f() or test_f() will cause the test to abort before the teardown function is reached.

These setup and teardown behaviors are needed when test fixtures must be created. A fixture is any environmental state or object that is required for the test to successfully run.

As above, a function that is executed before the test to prepare the fixture is called a setup function. One that is executed to mop-up side effects after a test is run is called a teardown function. Nose has a decorator that you can use to automatically run setup and teardown of fixtures no matter if the test succeeded, failed, or had an error.

To make sure that both of the functions will be executed, you must use nose’s with_setup() decorator. This decorator may be applied to any test and takes a setup and a teardown function as possible arguments. We can rewrite the test_f() to be wrapped by with_setup().

@with_setup(setup=f_setup, teardown=f_teardown)
def test_f():
    exp = 42
    with open('yes.txt', 'r') as fhandle:
        obs = int(fhandle.read())
    assert_equal(exp, obd)

Note that if you have functions in your test module that are simply named setup() and teardown(), each of these are called automatically when the entire test module is loaded in and finished.