
Markdown is a markup format. As opposed to software like Word, OpenOffice, or Papers, what you see on the screen is the raw text, and some informations about formatting. The formatting itself is done later, by an additional software (see part 4).

This part of the lesson will give an overview of the core markdown syntax. Before we begin, it is worth keeping in mind that there are a few different markdowns around. CommonMark is built to be a standard, and GFM (developped by GitHub) is so widely used that it could well be a standard already. This lesson will present the syntax that is common to both (a very large part of it is). Another interesting, yet immature, project is Scholarly Markdown, which is intended for academic authoring.


Markdown allows authors to indicate metadata in the document, in the form a YAML header. YAML stands from Yet Another Markup Language, but this is hardly important. A YAML header could look like

title: "Modern scientific authoring using Markdown and `pandoc`"
shorttitle: Modern scientific authoring
author: Timothée Poisot
date: May 9, 2015

{: .input}

These elements will be used by the template.

Basic syntax


Levels of sub-division in your text can be indicated by writing a single line, with between one and six octothorpes. For example, the following document will have two first-level headers (Introduction and Methods), and a second-level header nested under Methods: Model of population dynamics.

# Introduction
# Methods
## Model of population dynamics

{: .input}

Text style

Markdown easily allows to specify italics, bold, and bold italics (although not all “flavors” of markdown agree on the last point). These styles can be applied using either * or _, so that the following commands are all equivalent:

*italics* and _italics_
**bold** and __bold__
***bold it.*** and ___bold it.___

{: .input}


Code can be written either inline, by wrapping the text in backticks,

The program can be compiled using `make`.

{: .input}

or with codeblocks by using a line with three backticks or three tildes (~) to delimitate the code block:

this is
code block

{: .input}

On the first line of the codeblock, it is possible to specify the language:

We can do `python`:

``` python
for i in xrange(5):
  print "This is line " + str(i) + " of this useless loop.\n"

Looking good!

{: .input}

Code can also be written by using tabulations:

This is text

    and this
    is code

{: .input}

There are two ways to write hyperlinks. The first is to write them inline, using the [text](http://link.tld) syntax. The second is to use named markers, for example:

This is [a link], and this is another [link][link2].

[a link]: http://link.1
[link2]: http://link.2

{: .input}

Note that this syntax is [text][marker], followed later in the document by [marker]: http://link. This being said, if there is no [marker], then [text]: link will work.


So far, our manuscript is a raw markdown file (extension .md, .mkd, .markdown, or .pandoc, because who needs standards anyways?). We need to convert it into something else, usually a PDF, or a document that can be viewed in a text processor.

Compiling with pandoc

The pandoc program is the tool of choice to do this (although there are web-specific tools, like jekyll). Like most command-line tools, pandoc takes a series of files as inputs, and some (optional) flags. The basic way to invoke pandoc is:

pandoc input.ext -o output.ext

{: .input}

Basic Syntax

The magic behind pandoc is that the input file can be (approximately), and so can the output file. In our case, the input file will be markdown. To create a PDF, the command is:

pandoc -o manuscript.pdf

{: .input}

and for a Word document,

pandoc -o manuscript.doc

{: .input}

Note that docx, and otf, would have given a new Word document, and a LibreOffice text, respecitvely. Try with txt, rtf, and html to see what happens.


How does pandoc knows where to put things in the final document, you ask? There are a variety of templates, which are files in which pandoc will look to see where every element should go. You can have a look at them on pandoc’s website, which is a great way to copy and modify them. There are also a number of re-usable templates one quick google away.


Flags are a way to pass additional arguments to pandoc. There are a large number of them (see man pandoc in your shell session, or the really good online documentation). We will focus on the two that are related to the bibliography.