Automation and Make


Lesson 02-makefiles

Write two new rules

Write a new rule for last.dat, created from books/last.txt.

Update the dats rule with this target.

Write a new rule for analysis.tar.gz, which creates an archive of the data files. The rule needs to:

  • Depend upon each of the three .dat files.
  • Invoke the action tar -czf analysis.tar.gz isles.dat abyss.dat last.dat

Update clean to remove analysis.tar.gz.

# Count words.
.PHONY : dats
dats : isles.dat abyss.dat last.dat

isles.dat : books/isles.txt
        python books/isles.txt isles.dat

abyss.dat : books/abyss.txt
        python books/abyss.txt abyss.dat

last.dat: books/last.txt
        python books/last.txt last.dat

analysis.tar.gz: isles.dat abyss.dat last.dat
        tar -czf analysis.tar.gz isles.dat abyss.dat last.dat

.PHONY : clean
clean :
        rm -f *.dat
        rm -f analysis.tar.gz

Lesson 03-variables

Update dependencies

What will happen if you now execute:

$ touch *.dat
$ make analysis.tar.gz
  1. nothing
  2. all files recreated
  3. only .dat files recreated
  4. only analysis.tar.gz recreated

4.) only analysis.tar.gz recreated.

You can check that *.dat is being expanded in the target of the rule for analysis.tar.gz by echoing the value of the automatic variable $^ (all dependencies of the current rule).

analysis.tar.gz: *.dat
    @echo $^
    tar -czf $@ $^

The rules for *.dat are not executed because their corresponding .txt files haven’t been modified.

If you run:

    $ touch *.dat
    $ touch books/*.txt
    $ make analysis.tar.gz

You will find that the .dat files as well as analysis.tar.gz are recreated.

Rewrite .dat rules to use automatic variables

Rewrite each .dat rule to use the automatic variables $@ (‘the target of the current rule’) and $< (‘the first dependency of the current rule’).

# Count words.
.PHONY : dats
dats : isles.dat abyss.dat last.dat

isles.dat : books/isles.txt
        python $< $@

abyss.dat : books/abyss.txt
        python $< $@

last.dat: books/last.txt
        python $< $@

analysis.tar.gz: *.dat
        tar -czf $@ $^

.PHONY : clean
clean :
        rm -f *.dat
        rm -f analysis.tar.gz

Lesson 06-variables

Use variables

Update Makefile so that the %.dat and analysis.tar.gz rules reference the variables COUNT_SRC and COUNT_EXE.

# Count words.

.PHONY : dats
dats : isles.dat abyss.dat last.dat

%.dat : books/%.txt $(COUNT_SRC)
    $(COUNT_EXE) $< $*.dat

# Generate archive file.
analysis.tar.gz : *.dat $(COUNT_SRC)
    tar -czf $@ $^

.PHONY : clean
clean :
        rm -f *.dat
        rm -f analysis.tar.gz

Lesson 08-variables

Extend the Makefile to create JPEGs

Add new rules, update existing rules, and add new macros to:

  • Create .jpg files from .dat files using
  • Add the script and .jpg files to the archive.
  • Remove all auto-generated files (.dat, .jpg, analysis.tar.gz).
 # Count words script.

# Plot word counts script.
# Makefile

TXT_FILES=$(wildcard books/*.txt)
DAT_FILES=$(patsubst books/%.txt, %.dat, $(TXT_FILES))
JPG_FILES=$(patsubst books/%.txt, %.jpg, $(TXT_FILES))

# Count words.
%.dat : books/%.txt $(COUNT_SRC)
    $(COUNT_EXE) $< $*.dat

# Plot word counts.
%.jpg : %.dat $(PLOT_SRC)
    $(PLOT_EXE) $*.dat $*.jpg

.PHONY : clean
clean :
    rm -f $(DAT_FILES)
    rm -f $(JPG_FILES)
    rm -f analysis.tar.gz

.PHONY : dats
dats : $(DAT_FILES)

.PHONY : jpgs
jpgs : $(JPG_FILES)

analysis.tar.gz : $(DAT_FILES) $(JPG_FILES) $(COUNT_SRC) $(PLOT_SRC)
    tar -czf $@ $^

.PHONY : variables
    @echo TXT_FILES: $(TXT_FILES)
    @echo DAT_FILES: $(DAT_FILES)
    @echo JPG_FILES: $(JPG_FILES)